Mindy's Musings - Daily Escapades Through The Extraordinarily Ordinary


Goy-Gle: The New Search Engine For Jews Everywhere!

Goo-gle: to search the Internet for information about (a person, topic, etc.)
Goy-gle: to ask your resident Gentile for information about (a non-Jewish religion, custom or The New Testament.)

Happy to post this guest blog from my fab and funny hubby!goygle

Occasionally my adorable Jewish wife Mindy has questions about Christian history and dogma. Everything from the Last Supper to Martin Luther and playing with snakes. As the resident Gentile, I’m often queried for answers. Goy-gle.

We were watching The Borgias series, which basically casts Tony Soprano as a corrupt 15th century pope. In one tawdry Vatican scene, the Pope somberly instructs a woman seeking penance to “lay in bed naked and FLATULATE yourself repeatedly”. At least that’s what Mindy heard. She was horrified and puzzled about any Christian sacrament that involved farting on yourself incessantly while nude.

I had to explain the woman was instructed to FLAGELLATE herself, which while still very masochistic, involved self-whipping and didn’t smell as bad as “Hail Mary, full of [BZZZZZZWAPPPPPPPPweeeeeahhhhh] grace”.

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