Mindy's Musings - Daily Escapades Through The Extraordinarily Ordinary


Tag, You’re It!

blank-tagSo I have been tagged, I’m it. This is a fun game for authors because we rock. Being “IT” means that you share information about your “work in progress” also known as “WIP” The Rules 1.) Give credit (including a link) to the Author who tagged you. 2.)Play by the rules, therefore you most post the rules! 3.)You MUST answer all 10 questions (below) some are quite hard but do your best. 4.)List five other Authors with links at the end that you have “tagged” so that the game can continue.

The Link Back

I was tagged by Maggie Thom who has not one, but TWO books coming out this year:  Deceitful Truths – Tainted Waters to be published April 30th, 2013 and to be published in the fall of 2013.


Q1.) What is the title or working title of your WIP?

Yes, You Can’t

Q2.) What genres does your novel fall under?

Humor, family, non-fiction and some fiction

Q3.) What actors (Dream Cast) would you choose to play the characters in a film version?

For Mindy I’d choose a Jewish Julie Bowen– “Claire” from Modern Family.  I made this selection for obvious reasons but you’ll need to read the book to find out why!  Hint:  worry, anxiety, control freak….

Kevin needs to be portrayed by someone with a bit of a quirky sense of humor so Jimmy Kimmel fits the bill.

The rest of the Dream Cast consists of actors ranging from The Wizards of Waverly Place to Seinfeld.

Q4.) What is the main outline for your book?

This is a sequel to Mindy’s Musings.  Unlike my first book, which was a series of very true, very funny stories about what I call the ‘extraordinarily ordinary’, Yes, You Can’t has nine chapters covering a plethora of perplexing predicaments from anxiety and worry to marriage, pets and dealing with chronic illness.

Double entendres are words or phrases that can be interpreted in two ways.  They are ambiguous, can be understood by two people in different ways and, when used by a Jewish mother, are intentionally confounding!   Yes, You Can’t offers humorous observations and advice on how to handle real life double entendres such as:

The call:

Mindy:  Mom, should I call you back later?

Mom:  No, it’s okay.

3 hours later… Ring, ring.

Mom:  Mindy, it’s me, Mom. You didn’t call.

Mindy:  Huh?  You told me not to.

Mom:  Yes, but my tone should have told you that meant call.

Translation:  Yes, you can’t…. win on this one.

The illness

Big day planned.  Just me and Kevin.  Yay!

Wait, what?  MS wants to tag along.  Three’s a crowd.

Long walk?  Buzzzz…. Legs don’t want to work today.

Painting pottery?  Nah, no feeling in the fingers.

Anger and frustration set in, right?  Wrong.  We made a plan, we’ll adapt the plan, then we’ll plan to adapt if we need to.  We cooked a great meal at home, stayed in and watched our favorite movies and focused on what we COULD do.  Together.  Not always this graceful, but today it worked.

Translation:  Yes, you can’t… always follow the plan.  Sh-t happens.

Q5.) Will your book be Indie published/self published, or represented by an agency and sold to a traditional publisher?

My book will be Indie Published (again.)

Q6.) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

I am still writing!  It has been about six months so far and I anticipate another three to four before I have a solid draft.  By day I have a full time job in technology so I write by with a quill by candlelight between midnight and 2am J

Q7.) What other books in this genre would you compare your book to?

It would be presumptuous for me to liken myself or my writing to these great authors but…  People who enjoyed The Middlesteins by Jami Attenberg will enjoy the antics in Mindy’s Musings and Yes, You Can’t.

I find that readers often mention they liked Bossy Pants by Tina Fey and Seriously, I’m Kidding by Ellen Degeneres.

Q8.) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

They say laughter is the best medicine and I agree. Plus, it’s free, has no bad side effects and is available to EVERYONE! We laugh A LOT in our house. Whether it’s my family making fun of me for unabashedly spoiling Zoey and Samson (our rescue babies, who I have completely ruined), unending practical jokes or just some inanely amusing happenings- we laugh.

It is with that in mind that I wrote this book. My husband was diagnosed with MS in 2004, at 38 years old. He is nothing short of amazing- staying positive every day with a focus on what he CAN do versus what MS has taken away. He is a brilliant role model for our kids and people with challenges of ANY kind, big or small.

When I realized we had some pretty funny stories, like most families do, that could potentially brighten someone’s day or help them learn not to take themselves so seriously, I wrote them down. I channeled my husband’s attitude and determination and the book was born.

Q9.) What else about the book might pique readers’ attention?

It is refreshingly true to life, candid and just plain funny. The humor is not forced, it just is. It is a combination of fiction and non-fiction humor and no-one is spared, including myself.

I know it will help others do the same, for challenges large or small, so I’m empowered to impart that humor without inhibition.

Q10.) Five other Indie Authors you have tagged

Robbie Cox

Erin Cashman

Nathan Sanford

P J Perryman

Coming soon.  I need to get their permission before I tag them!

There is 1 comment. Add Yours.


Love it. You are so right, laughter is the best medicine. My motto is live, love, laugh and of course a bit of wine never hurts. 🙂 I look forward to reading both of your books. Congrats on the new one it sounds funny. You have to love mom’s reverse psychology, just when you think you have her figured out, she changes the game. Thank you for sharing.

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